fabricated for our clients
Cable Landing Stations
Over the past 15 years the AMSS team has successfully deployed Cable Landing Station projects in North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe, and the South Pacific. Each turnkey project included design, factory fabrication, overseas transportation, in-country logistics, site assembly, and Site Acceptance Testing.
We design and fabricate each Cable Landing Station project to unique client requirements for power, number of racks, and redundancy/uptime. Typical features include fully redundant electrical infrastructure (A Side + B Side), redundant and scalable DC Power systems (A + B), redundant generators (A + B), N+1 or 2N HVAC systems, UPS systems, power conditioners, building management systems, building access control systems, building security alarm systems, CCTV cameras, VESDA fire alarms, clean agent fire suppression systems, halo ground rings, and wire management infrastructure to include cable ladders, cable racks, wire baskets, and cable troughs.
From contract award to Site Acceptance Testing, project durations vary between 8 to 10 months, depending on Cable Landing Station size and project location.